Roundtables are a fun and easy way to start connecting with your VFC Family! We have some great options for you! Let us know what you're interested in!


Each roundtable will be a series of about 4 sessions. Each session we’ll watch a video, and talk about it after. There is no pressure to talk at all – but we hope you feel comfortable sharing your perspective. It’s how we grow and learn from each other!

We want you to have fun and build relationships!

We hope you’ll find Roundtables a great way to get to know your VFC fam!


What would our communities look like if we took Jesus’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves seriously? In this study, we'll focus on the people within our neighborhood and learn what it means to be a good neighbor.


Dr. Emerson Eggerichs sheds light on an often overlooked element of a healthy marriage—respect. Emerson provides insight into how couples can embrace their differences in marriage.


When stress overpowers us and fear infects our minds, it can feel like the peace the Bible talks about is impossible to find. Pastor Jonathan Pokluda explores how Christians can face anxiety head-on.