A night to join in & worship for a live recording of Victory Family Worship originals.

Disclaimer: Although this night will feel like a worship night, there will be specific guidelines and structures in place due to the nature of it being a live recording. Thank you for your participation and cooperation — we’re so excited to share this night with you!


Where is this happening?

At the VFC Norman campus.
4343 N Flood Ave, Norman, OK 73069

Can I reserve seats for my children?

Unfortunately, no one under 6th grade will be allowed in the Live Recording on either night. This is so we can limit distractions and lower the risk of interruptions during the recording. However, there will be an overflow room in the Venue auditorium for those who have not reserved seats — children are welcome to join you in there!

Can I reserve a seat for both nights?

We kindly ask you to only reserve a seat for one night. We want to make sure there is an opportunity for as many people to attend as possible.

Will there be childcare?

Due to the duration of the event being longer than a normal VFC worship night, there will be no childcare offered.

Can I take photos or videos the night of?

We ask that all phones be shut off during the recording in order to limit distractions and lower the risk of interrupting the recording. With that being said, we will not allow any photos / videos to be taken of any kind. However, we will be filming & photographing the entire night for you!

Will there be refreshments?

Yes, we will have water available to you in the lobby! However, no food or drinks will be allowed inside the Theater auditorium during the live recording.

When do the doors open?

Check-in and doors will open at 5:30pm. We will be checking tickets so that everyone who reserved a seat, gets the opportunity to worship with us. Doors will be CLOSED at 6:20pm sharp. If you happen to be running late and have reserved a seat, we will kindly ask that you wait until the intermission to join the rest of the group in the Theater for recording purposes.

What's with all of the rules?

We understand that this night requires a lot. In order to make sure the night runs as smoothly, and timely as possible, we ask that everyone who reserves a seat honors the requests our worship and production team have set in place. This ensures everyone in attendance will have the best experience possible! If you wish to join us for our live recording without as many restrictions, we will have an overflow space in the Venue.