Re|engage is a marriage discipleship program for every marriage – the healthy, the struggling, and the broken. This is a great place for couples to reconnect, reignite or even resurrect their marriage.
You will have the opportunity to begin sharing some of your story at your own pace. You will also experience the value and ground rules of healthy small groups. Participating couples will go through the 14-lesson re|engage curriculum together at home, as well as discuss their answers to questions within their closed small group.

14 week lesson breakdown:
Lesson 1 – Love
Lesson 2 – Brokenness
Lesson 3 – Grace
Lesson 4 – Humility
Lesson 5 – Communication
Lesson 6 – Forgiveness
Lesson 7 – Making Amends
Lesson 8 – Reconciliation
Lesson 9 – Commitment
Lesson 10 – Expectations
Lesson 11 – Emotional Intimacy
Lesson 12 – Sexual Intimacy
Lesson 13 – Spiritual Intimacy
Lesson 14 – Invest
"We've tried counseling and other marriage classes and re|engage was that most impactful. The live testimonies really help add to the messages in the workbook and make it so practical." -Rebekah (Fall 2024)
What does re|engage look like?
Re|engage is a 14-week program held weekly for approximately an hour and a half. The program is designed around a few important elements:
- Individual work
- Homework with your spouse
- Large-Group learning
- Closed Group Discussion

January 22nd 2025 – May 7th 2025
Wednesday’s from 6:30pm-8:00pm
Childcare is provided
$50 per couple
FALL 2025
August 2025 – December 2025
More information to come!
What else do I need to know?
The cost is $50 per couple. This includes your workbooks and other class materials, as well as a special celebration night at the end of the semester. While the weekly time commitment for re:engage is relatively low, we do have a high level of commitment for your weekly attendance.
The weekly time commitment will consist of 20-45 mins for you to complete the lesson and do your homework with your spouse. The weekly meetings are about an hour and a half. We ask that you prioritize your weekly attendance and make an effort to miss no more than two weeks. If you are able to look ahead at your calendar and anticipate missing more than two meeting times, we recommend that you wait and sign up for a future session.
Most weeks the schedule will consist of a short introduction time, a 20-30 min large group lesson or testimony and then 40-60 minutes of closed group discussion time. There is a possibility that some of the lessons will be combined into one week.
Yes! Everytime we offer re:engage there will be childcare available for kids 0 – 6th grade. All persons who provide care for Victory Family Church, paid or volunteer, have been screened and trained.
Dinner is not provided. We recommend that you eat before our time together begins.
Large Group is a time at the beginning of each week where everyone meets together in a larger setting. This time may include a leader couple sharing a story or testimony or another leader presenting a lesson or video teaching.
Closed Groups are made up of 4-6 couples and one facilitator couple. These groups are created and assigned before the semester begins. Your Closed Group will be the same for the length of the entire Re:engage semester. You can request a friend couple on your registration form if you desire to.
No. Because we are methodical about the number of people per group and placing couples together in groups, registration is required ahead of starting the semester.
There is an age restriction of 18+ and it is best recommended for couples to have been married for 3+ years. Every demographic is welcome!
No, re:engage is not marriage counseling. Leaders are facilitators, not counselors. They are also growing in their own marriages. Everyone in the group is on the journey to oneness in marriage. We believe that openness and honesty in a small group setting, using Biblically-based curriculum, is where God works to grow and resurrect marriages.
Still have more questions?
Please email [email protected]