Heaven can be a weird topic for kids and adults… because death has to happen first. But our new Wednesday Night discipleship program encourages kids to ask questions and go to the bible for
the answers! Of course there are time when we don’t have all the answers, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ask hard questions!
This semester we dove into some questions like:
– Is death something to fear?
– Do we have a soul?
– Why should I believe in Heaven?We started this semester off with the big question of “Is death something to fear?” We spent time praying that kids would be able to understand the answers to these hard questions and not run home telling mom and dad that they never want to go back because we talked about death!
There is this one kid that stands out to me. He is here every week and even though he is very quiet, I know is always listening. We got a text from his mom a couple weeks after this topic that said that he was talking about gravestones and funerals and cemeteries. She asked him, “Why are you talking about all of these things?” and his reply is too good!! He said, “Well mom, because death isn’t something to fear because we believe in Heaven! Don’t you guys learn about this stuff in your class?”
A kindergartener, learning and asking questions about Heaven is just so cool to me. These kids come in every single week excited to answer the “Big Question” we have for the night. They are memorizing scripture, spending time in small groups, having fun playing games, and actually experiencing life change! It is one of the best things you could be a part of at VFC!